Is The Republican Party of Florida Trying to Turn Florida Blue?
Or Is Evan Power The Anti-Christ?
Catchy rhetoric, or Uniparty tactic?
Is The RPOF Anti-Trump?
Many of you may be aware that The Republican Assembly, which has been in existence since the 1930’s, is under direct attack by the RPOF Chair, Evan Power. Specifically, the Florida Republican Assembly, which has been in existence since 1998. Many states have a statewide Republican Assembly, and many counties of those states have a county charter, as we do here in Lee County FL.
The RPOF amended the rules on May 4th, stating that if you belong to the Judeo-Christian organization, The Florida Republican Assembly, or an affiliated county charter, you cannot serve your term as an elected Precinct Committeeman/woman in your county Republican Executive Committee (REC).
Why would Evan Power do this?
We will attempt to dissect the many reasons that the RPOF would choose to attack conservative Christians and Jews in FL in this bizarre manner, during the most important election cycle of our lives (I know, we say that every cycle, but every cycle it becomes more and more true). We will also investigate whether these actions violate the Constitution, state statutes, US Title 42, God’s Laws, and plain old common sense (even though my grandpa taught me that there’s nothing common about common sense)
Is Evan Power the Anti-Christ?
No. I don’t believe he is the Anti-Christ.
The Anti-Christ will appear to be a magnanimous, well-loved, enthusiastic, personality. He will pretend to bring all factions together. He will be calling for unity (although… unity behind what, exactly?)
So no, he is not THE Anti-Christ, but his behavior is Anti-Christian and Anti-Semitic.
My Crystal Ball
I never like to try to explain what is going on in someone else’s mind. It’s speculative, at best. But, God armed each of us with discernment, and tasked us with using it. He did NOT provide a crystal ball. That’s an invention by that ‘other guy’. So, using my discernment, I have identified 8 possible reasons that the RPOF feels that the Assembly is a threat to them…
The 8 top reasons for RPOF attacking FRA (in no particular order)
The Assembly is a Judeo-Christian Conservative Organization. Our commitment to these principles is foremost in our founding.
The Florida Republican Assembly endorsed Donald Trump in Oct ‘23, some six months before the RPOF.
The Florida Republican Assembly rallied outside the RPOF meeting, whereby the vote to force Trump to sign a Party Loyalty Oath failed, in part due to the awareness created by that rally
The Florida Republican Assembly partnered with the Florida Republican Liberty Caucus and DefendFL during the ‘24 FL Legislative Session to collectively support several good bills, and defeat some bad ones. One Dominion-sponsored/written bill they effectively defeated was the so-called “Harassment Bill”, which sought to make it a felony to question the election results. Every RINO was committed to passing that bill, so they could arrest those pointing out the fraud. This includes Ron DeepSantis, many of the RINOs of our SupeRINOrity in the legislature, the RPOF, and Evan Power in particular, as the disgraced lobbyist who failed to accomplish that horrific legislation for his client, ‘The Florida Supervisors of Elections, Inc.’ (FSE), which is made up of every SoE in FL. These SoE’s sought to imprison anyone who brought forth evidence of election fraud on felony charges. Literally, the opposite of their responsibility as our election protection concoction.
Three large counties… Sarasota, Manatee, and Lee, in particular, have some of the biggest battles between America-First Patriots infighting with a combination of establishment RINOs and fake “Me-First” cult leaders, pretending to push America-First principles in words, but not actions. Those counties all have Assemblies, many members of which are elected representatives in their respective RECs who are fighting for America-First principles in their RECs. I say this in no way to take away from all of the other county Assemblies that are all doing great work, or non-Assembly REC members, who are also fighting this fight to restore the Republic.
We are outperforming the RECs. Is it merely a coincidence that this action came right on the heels of the passing of the Lee County Assembly EI resolution to Protect Lee Voters? (I urge you to read it)
The resolution calls for the Commissioners to establish a county ordinance ensuring that our County Constitutional Officers all work together to remove illegal aliens from our voter rolls, as well as directly calling on those Officers to cooperate with each other, with or without an ordinance. Remember, Cord Byrd poo-pooed this concept as too labor-intensive to accomplish.RPOF Chair Evan Power is a Never-Trumper and a Deep Stater. He hates everything about the America-First movement, as does the leadership of the 3 counties mentioned. Be not fooled by some of their rhetoric… watch their behavior; their actions.
The website, is already leaps and bounds ahead of the REC or RPOF websites. Another outperformance. Although, I humbly believe, the least driving motivation for this attack. Yet, it was specifically mentioned in the cease and desist sent to me.
What was the backstory of the rift between Michael Thompson and Ryan Staller, the guy they hired to create their website? They spent $7,500 and a year's time to create 2 separate websites that basically my dog, Liberty, could have made over a weekend, and she would have donated her efforts.*** Update: since I began writing this article, my dog, ‘Liberty’, has passed away. I guess you could say, in more ways than one… “Liberty is Dead”!
One member told me that this was the catalyst for Ryan quitting the REC and the East Lee Club, and canceling the contract for hosting and maintaining the website and email accounts. I don't know about all that. If you do hear this, or any other rumors, please treat them as such until they are substantiated.
The RPOF is Facing Legal Challenges
First… The Rule Change
How does this violate the First, Fifth, and Fourteenth Amendments of the US Constitution?
Two of our God-Given rights secured in the First Amendment are freedom of religion and freedom of assembly, both of which are clearly under attack by the RPOF by this rule change.
In my next article, I will be getting into the threatening actions of the RPOF over the last 2 weeks, in which they now require people merely suspected of being a member of the Assembly, to sign an additional McCarthy-style affidavit, stating “I am not now, nor have I ever been a member of…”. This is a clear violation of the Fifth Amendment.
And, unless they ask every REC/RPOF member to sign this affidavit (which they haven’t, aren’t, and won’t be doing), this also violates the Fourteenth Amendment.
How does this violate the State Statute?
says that in order to be removed from our elected office of Precinct Committeeman/woman, a 2/3 vote of the Committee is required. And yet, no notice of a trial, let alone an actual trial is being conducted, and certainly no guilty verdict by 2/3 of the body, for violation of oath.
103.141 Removal of county executive committee member for violation of oath.
(1) Where the county executive committee by at least a two-thirds majority vote of the members of the committee, attending a meeting held after due notice has been given and at which meeting a quorum is present, determines an incumbent county executive committee member to be guilty of an offense involving a violation of the member’s oath of office, said member so violating his or her oath shall be removed from office and the office shall be deemed vacant. Provided, however, if the county committee wrongfully removes a county committee member and the committee member so wrongfully removed files suit in the circuit court alleging his or her removal was wrongful and wins said suit, the committee member shall be restored to office and the county committee shall pay the costs incurred by the wrongfully removed committee member in bringing the suit, including reasonable attorney’s fees.
§103.091 (5) In the event no county committeeman or committeewoman is elected, or a vacancy occurs from any other cause in any county executive committee, the county chair shall call a meeting of the county executive committee by due notice to all members, and the vacancy shall be filled by a majority vote of those present at a meeting at which a quorum is present. Such vacancy shall be filled by a qualified member of the political party residing in the district where the vacancy occurred and for the unexpired portion of the term.§103.091
103.081 Use of party name; political advertising.—
(1) No person shall use the name, abbreviation, or symbol of any political party, the name, abbreviation, or symbol of which is filed with the Department of State, in political advertising in newspapers, other publications, handbills, radio or television, or any other form of advertising in connection with any political activities in support of a candidate of any other party, unless such person shall first obtain the written permission of the chair of the state executive committee of the party the name, abbreviation, or symbol of which is to be used.
(2) No person or group of persons shall use the name, abbreviation, or symbol of any political party, the name, abbreviation, or symbol of which is filed with the Department of State, in connection with any club, group, association, or organization of any kind unless approval and permission have been given in writing by the state executive committee of such party. This subsection shall not apply to county executive committees of such parties and organizations which are chartered by the national executive committee of the party the name, abbreviation, or symbol of which is to be used, or to organizations using the name of any political party which organizations have been in existence and organized on a statewide basis for a period of 10 years.
(3) A political party may file with the Department of State names of groups or committees associated with the political party. Such filed names may not be used without first obtaining the written permission of the chair of the state executive committee of the party.
(4) Notwithstanding any other provision of law to the contrary, an affiliated party committee shall be entitled to use the name, abbreviation, or symbol of the political party of its leader as defined in s. 103.092.
says, and CMC Art. III, Section 3 solidifies, the only requirements allowed to be considered qualification as a Precinct Committeeman/woman, is you must be registered in the party for 365 days, and you must live in the precinct that you are seeking to represent, and that no other qualifications can be applied.
No candidate for a vacancy on the committee who meets the registration and residence requirements and follows the rules of procedure prescribed for filling a vacancy can be rejected for consideration by a membership committee, board, or officer of the County Executive Committee. All such candidates must be voted upon by the County Executive Committee.
The RPOF is Facing Moral and/or Ethical Challenges
Even if there weren’t legal violations by this move (which there clearly are)… there are certainly moral and ethical implications.
How does this violate their Party Oath
We all take an oath to uphold the FL and US Constitutions, the laws of both, the rules of the party, and to support the platform and values of the party.
How does violating the 1st, 5th, and 14th Amendments, uphold the Constitution, and therefore uphold their oaths?
How does violating the above-mentioned laws, uphold their oaths?
How does transforming the Republican Party of Florida into an anti-Judeo-Christian, anti-Trump, anti-conservative, and anti-Constitutional organization, against the beliefs and desires of the vast majority of Republican voters in Florida, advance the party?
Instead, I believe this will be the death of the party platform. It clearly has nothing to do with conservative values, and is simply a power-grab; an egocentric, desperate grasp to hold on to control of the party, against the will of the voters.
Wake up ladies and gentlemen of the RPOF, you are acting contrary to your oaths, and the will of the voters.
And, wake up Florida voters… we keep electing these same people.
How does this violate Reagan’s 11th Commandment?
Thou shall not speak ill of fellow Republicans. Okay, to be honest, I don’t agree with Reagan on this, if and when those in the party are acting contrary to the vast majority of the voters we represent. But, if I’m not allowed to correct bad behavior by RINOs, why are RINOs allowed to demand that I act as a RINO, or face removal? What Reagan really meant was… look, inwardly we should demand the best leadership in the party and fight hard for the best candidates in the primary election, but once the nominee is picked, we need to get behind that candidate in their contest with their democrat counterpart.
We will either be the party of rules, laws, constitutions… or we will be the party of men, kings, edicts, and authoritarianism.
We will either be the party of ‘behind-the-scenes-unity with the Democrats (Uniparty), or we will shift into the new era of Trump, MAGA, and America-First.
There is no middle ground.
Stay tuned for the next installment:
Suspension and removal of REC members on the day of board elections
This is clearly election interference. It would be the equivalent of removing registered voters the day before election day, because they didn’t support your crappy candidate of choice.
I will be writing a more detailed article over the next week, regarding the suspension and removal efforts by the RPOF this week. Without a doubt… Evan Power must be challenged and replaced as chair of the state party, or the party is dead.
There is no middle ground.
The Republican Party of Florida interfered in my and many other primary candidates elections. Ron DeSantis endorsed my opponents twice along with every other establishment Republican who Travis Hutson and Tom Leek asked for. Why they were deathly afraid that I would expose their obvious and verifiable corruption. I ran audits on PAC money and lobbyist donating to those PAKs that came directly from the insurance industry and building cabal. MASSIVE Money. If this is legal, It ceritanly is NOT ETHICAL.
Great Article Hopefully more folks will wake up to see the RPOF is not a friend of MAGA