Come hear from one of the leading experts on trafficking
Seating is limited, so please RSVP to secure your reservation
Lee County Republican Assembly October Meeting & Special Event
We cordially invite you to an evening with Kathryn Robbins,
to learn about the impact of Human Trafficking on our nation.
Click for map:
Monday October 23rd at 5-7:15pm
Fort Myers Regional Library - “The Meeting Rooms”
1651 Lee Street, Fort Myers, FL
Kathryn Robbins is a #1 best-selling author, speaker and anti-human trafficking advocate. She is the State Vice President of Anti-Human Trafficking for the Florida Republican Assembly. She is a survivor leader, having lived through nearly two decades of child trafficking in the US and abroad. Her story is one of courage and healing intended to bring hope to survivors and empower average Americans to protect and intervene with our most vulnerable children. Hear her personal story, up to date statistics on human trafficking in the US and Florida, plus a survivor’s perspective on what you and I can do to make lasting change in our communities and State.
Matthew 18:6
“If anyone causes one of these little ones—those who believe in me—to stumble, it would be better for them to have a large millstone hung around their neck and to be drowned in the depths of the sea."
God's Children are Not for Sale
A donation of $5 is suggested and appreciated for guests.
A love offering will be taken to help end Human Trafficking.
RSVP to secure your reservation