The attack against Kim and Ted Reese
Chris Quackenbush supported hand-counted paper ballots, and was fired as the interim Election Integrity (EI) Chair
Michael replaced her with Ted Reese as interim EI Chair
According to Ted, Michael called him and asked him to lay off the machines, and only go after the ERIC system, because RINO establishment, Christian Ziegler, offered a Quid-Pro-Quo... in exchange for considering Michael for an RPOF Committee Chair position. Ted refused, as he could not, in good conscience, agree to that. Michael said that he would then have to remove him as interim chair
Michael immediately removed Ted as Interim EI Chair
Ted subsequently submitted a resolution calling for hand-counted paper ballots, in accordance with Donald Trump's call for just that
The board nitpicked it for a myriad of petty reasons, such as commas, semicolons, and the use of the word "the" after "Whereas"
Ted fixed every single nitpicky issue they threw at him, but they still wouldn't allow it to come up on the agenda
Bob and Joe moved to simply amend the agenda... a proper motion. A simple motion. A 5-minute process, which Tara turned into an hour-long fiasco. Why? Why was it important to keep it off the agenda? And, why consume an hour to do it? Simple…
Any resolution not officially on the agenda, is null and void. Joe and I know that from past experience, in 2021. A near-unanimously passed (1 No-vote) resolution was deemed null and void overnight, when the board was directed to do so by the powers that be
Why consume an hour to amend the agenda? Seemingly, to run out the clock, so that resolutions can't come up for a vote
How many times has the chair and vice chair noted “If we lose 3 more people, we’ll lose quorum”? Does that sound like an urging to stay? Or, a ‘dog whistle’ to leave?
Matt Caldwell issued a statement in absentia, at the March meeting, that we need to go to every other month meeting… resulting in limiting member participation
Michael echoed that plan in a video, which also called on members to illegally boo, shout down, vote down, and otherwise condemn, any member who tries to raise an issue or call for a vote that goes against the Tyrant’s will, even if you agree with that motion
Kim has spent the last 2 years working on filling the REC’s vacancies, per Dan Schultz’s Precinct Strategy, even under the noses of the old RINO cabal.
“The Map Lady”, as Kim has become known as, doubled REC membership, became a notary to speed things along, and even came up with the Badge Fundraiser.
She even devised a working plan to create the positions of Precinct and District Captains, and has been talking about it since before most of the board members even joined the REC. This is not a regular RPOF/REC program. Kim has even been emailing with Dan Schultz about spreading her initiative nationwide.
Kim Reese was the only Standing Committee Chair voted by the REC at the Feb Meeting. This was the same meeting that we voted for the 5 Standing Committees, and their descriptions and duties. At the request of the Chair, we voted that all published issues and duties of the Standing Committees were approved as listed; and whether they required a subcommittee, sub-panel, or focus-group to deal with those issues; and who would sit on or chair them, was to be at the discretion of those 5 Standing Committee Chairs.
The Chair cannot dissolve Standing Committees voted on by the REC.
According to Kim Reese, shortly after the March meeting, Michael told her to stop adding members, repeating Matt Caldwell’s demands that we stop adding “America-First” Trump supporters. I expect it from a Never-Trumper, like Matt, but why would a self-proclaimed “America-First” guy echo it? Maybe he’s a “Me-First” grifter
Because the REC is statutorily mandated to fill any vacancies immediately, Kim refused to stop adding members
Kim was asked to set up a training committee within the Membership Committee, and after initial reluctance to shift her focus (she wanted to focus her energy on recruitment), she created the committee, because it falls under the voted/approved responsibilities of Membership, which the board has illegally reworded, in an attempt to steal your vote:
The original document, as presented/adopted in Feb.July 12th & 15th. changed the official document, committing fraud
Kim formed the Training and Education subcommittee of the Standing Membership Committee, and named Bob Valenta as chair
Bob put together a team including Rachael Humes, Virginia Cullison, Adele Amico, and Ed Fisher
We held several meetings, and began creating a curriculum, to present to the entire REC, for a vote
Leslie Jander and Chris Bach participated in one of our meetings, and Leslie emailed the board that we were “off to a great start”
Once the board learned of the intent to submit the curriculum for an REC vote, all hell broke loose
Michael sent emails, firing Kim Reese, Bob Valenta, Virginia Cullison, and Adele Amico; banning them from ever having any leadership position, as long as he is chairman
The board learns that they can’t fire a standing committee chair
The board relents and reaffirmed that Kim was the membership chair, MT made a video praising her great work, Kim gave the membership report at the July meeting
In yet another video, Michael dissolves all standing committees, which were created by vote of the full EC, and re-creates them, and others, as ad hoc committees, in violation of a whole host of RPOF rules, as well as Robert’s Rules of Order. For a full list of each chapter and verse, feel free to email me
This is a complete usurpation of the EC’s authority, by the chair. If we don’t stop usurpations of power at every turn, eventually, it will hit you.
All of these aforementioned issues revolve around Michael Thompson’s refusal to go after the machines, and desire to take credit for everyone’s work. A glory-whore.
Other Issues at the REC
It appears to this 6-year REC member that the RINOs are puppeteering your new board, with Michael echoing their every attempt to keep Trump’s America-First people out of the RECs and the RPOF. They wear "Trump" as a badge of honor, but it's stolen valor. They don't live "Trump". They don't espouse Trump's actions and beliefs. It’s similar to a Christian, who can recite the Bible, Chapter and Verse, but doesn’t even follow the 10 Commandments.
Tara herself won't allow the Trump Committee to even meet at the REC office. Why? She says it's because the REC can't endorse a primary candidate. But that doesn't hold water. The Trump Committee was formed when all REC members were asked to form a committee for each Presidential candidate. The only committee that was formed by interested parties was "Trump". So, is Tara a Never-Trumper? I believe that she may well be. But, you decide. She has openly castigated Trump the man, and Trump the candidate. But, at the same time, loved getting her picture taken with the President. There are no rules against the Trump Committee using the office to meet, especially since supporters of all candidates were given the opportunity to form a committee.
Member training falls under Membership, and Kim Reese is the duly elected Membership Chair. The board has been illegally training members, and in some dangerous ways. It is against the rules to litmus test REC member’s applications, so Tara is instructing members to troll social media accounts, and stalk potential members. Then she instructs them that, while the board can’t keep people out, the members can. How is this any different than the Nazi Brown Shirts? And, by what criteria will they be keeping members out? If they are following the Never-Trumper’s tactics and puppeteering, what criteria do you suppose they will use to keep out members?
First they came for…
First, they came for Chris Quackenbush
And I did not speak out
Because I was busyThen they came for Ted Reese
And I did not speak out
Because Michael Thompson called him a liarThen they came for Adele Amico
And I did not speak out
Because I wanted the committee to appear unitedThen they came for Bob Valenta
And I did not speak out
Because Michael Thompson told us to boo himThen they came for Kim Reese
And I did not speak out
Because I didn’t want to create divisionThen they came for Virginia Cullison
And I did not speak out
Because I did not want them to come for meThen they came for me
And there was no one left
To speak out for me.
There's the America-First Republican Club, who is now not allowed to espouse Trump, by Tara's edict. I'll let others go into further detail on that public discussion, but the behavior by the Vice Chair was very disturbing, to say the least. It's as if she never really was a follower of KrisAnne Hall, but just grifted on her name.
Then, there's the obscure "Faith-Based Republican Club", chaired by Alex Blagojevic , who strangely called for reaching out to Muslims and Atheists, but said that we shouldn't include the names "Republican", "Faith based", or "Judeo-Christian" in the club name, because it has a bad connotation (I'm paraphrasing). Who are we catering to with this Club, if not Faith-based Republicans? Why lukewarm? Are we Lee County, or Laodicea County (Rev. 3:14-22)
Florida Republican Assembly
BTW, if you want a real Republican organization that is truly faith-based, I recommend the FRA. Check out
We now have a Lee County Chapter up and running. If you're interested, send an email to
The LCRA will be the antithesis of the behavior demonstrated by the Lee County REC's exec. board's "Me-First" grifters.
Time is short. The Great Reset is not a Conspiracy Theory, it's a Conspiracy Fact, and it's right around the corner. We don't have time for personal-glory seekers. This is a time for serious people, with serious actions, not glory-whores. We need all hands on deck, no egos, no people worrying about credit and glory. Just ACTION. It’s time to roll up our sleeves and get to work. I’m ready. Are you?
Great synopsis of the LCREC EB. It's a disgrace and so disheartening what they are doing. And.....that so many members are blind to it. Thanks for the information.
You really should School Rachel on how to take better notes at the faith face Club these were discussions not directives,
Time I look this was still a free country and we were allowed to discuss things:
"Then, there's the obscure "Faith-Based Republican Club", chaired by Alex Blagojevic , who strangely called for reaching out to Muslims and Atheists, but said that we shouldn't include the names "Republican", "Faith based", or "Judeo-Christian" in the club name, because it has a bad connotation (I'm paraphrasing). Who are we catering to with this Club, if not Faith-based Republicans? Why lukewarm? Are we Lee County, or Laodicea County (Rev. 3:14-22)"
You are no better than Brandon Leslie with your spin and hearsay and Bs (biblical stupidity)