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Aug 25, 2023·edited Aug 25, 2023Author

Those are the "latest and greatest"...

Both the CMC and ROP were updated on 5/13/23

The main change in the CMC is the new requirement that new members have to attend 2 meetings before being sworn in.

The change in the Rules of Procedure is the elimination of the $5, 000 bond requirement for treasurers and chairs. You just have to wonder who that change was made for... 1 person that we change the rules for (like amending 'Resign to Run' for the benefit of 1 person).

No, I don't read it that way at all. It very clearly says that NO mandatory training can be enforced, but that optional training may be provided after they are sworn in. Training has NEVER been a condition of being sworn in, and remains as such. If you have a version that says otherwise, it is a fake.

Latest CMC:


Latest ROP:


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deletedAug 23, 2023Liked by Robert Valenta
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Yes. That was the first redraft. Normally, the RPOF updates the 3 guiding documents every 6-8 years. We are on our 3rd set since the December elections. Besides the 40%, and the 2-meeting rule, another change is that the county treasurer and chair no longer have to obtain the $5,000 bond. Let that sink in... Why would they change that? I have to wonder if there is a RINO chair who can't qualify for the bond.

It seems everytime we hold the RINOs accountable to the rules, they change the goalposts.

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Aug 23, 2023Liked by Robert Valenta

I am upset at this news. RINO (I love the establishment) Gov Desantis is slowly but clearly dragging FLA into an ugly RINO state. I guess he likes the BUSH money better than those of us who voted him in. Let him walk the wire - the AMERICA FIRST movement will topple him down to the same crap that Jeb swims in

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Check out Brian Costello's interview on Warroom. Who's photo is on the bottom right as a recipient of CCP donations? If you guessed Ron DeSantis you would be correct. He is a liar that sold Florida to the CCP. No more RINOS in Florida https://gettr.com/search?q=warroom&tab=top

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Lets be clear you wish to denigrate a decorated Navy Officer as being paid for by the Chinese Communists -- The same guy who fights for parental rights and helped build a super majority in FL that passed legislation after legislation to make life better for the middle class. I stole this quote from board where they were attacking his military record. "He was attached to SEAL Team 1 Commander, Special Operations Task Force-West in Fallujah. That’s in Iraq. If you need to read the narrative w/his Bronze Star, great. His CV speaks for itself. Any negative comments just prove posting ignorance." It seems to apply to you.

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A 2 meeting rule was put into effect in Charlotte County. Larry Benjamin was chairman at the time, he has since resigned. REC in Charlotte county is a mess. We had a great memberships committee which was handcuffed by the new rules. Also we were told we had to use a RPOF issued letter in our precincts when canvassing making it a generic missed for the garbage can.

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This article has numerous widely false interpretations of the RPOF Rules!!!

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Aug 23, 2023Liked by Robert Valenta

Why don’t you edify us Steve?

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This article has no false interpretations of the rules, let alone "numerous", nor "widely". In the time it took you to type your comment, you could have listed them, but you didn't. If you had something to add, you would have done so. This low-info trolling doesn't work with people who are educated on the matter. This is why the RINOs are losing the party. The America-First movement doesn't fall for low-info snippets. Tag, you're it.

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Your article is inaccurate. Section 103.091 applies to elections election of committeewomen and committeeman -- the rules about elections is for REC members. The meeting notice is a minimum (at least means just that) of 10 days notice. So the chair can call a special meeting any time, but they need to give 10 days notice of the meeting for people to show up.

A REC who fails to meet at least every other month is a problem. My REC meets every month except for July and December and if we needed to we would meet Christmas day. The rules about bi-monthly meeting is the minimum standard and a good enforceable rule-- hopefully it has teeth. Currently some RECs meet irregularly and don't follow the constitution. Something that we need to hold them accountable for. Getting volunteers is hard when there are activist out there that attack people trying to do what they think is best for their community.

There is a lot to criticize about the RPOF and RECs in a lot of counties. Trying to bring order to the organization should not be one. Your welcome to be critical but your inference that they are trying to fend off change is misplaced. There are few states as solid RED as Florida is today, particularly compared to where we were 20 years ago when I moved here.

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REC members ARE committeemen and women. 103.091 applies to all Precinct Committeemen/women, as well as State Committeemen/women.

My point of the 10 day notice was merely to point out that if a meeting is already scheduled for 3 weeks from now, a special meeting is not necessary.

There is no actual rule about bi-monthly meetings. It clearly says 6 meetings minimum, at least 1 per quarter. It's not a new rule. It's a very old one. Some chairs that wish to only hold meetings every 2 months are misconstruing it as a new rule.

Trying to bring order to an organization that is out of order should not be a priority?

How long have you served as a PC? Which county?

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Many precincts in Florida go without representation. Trying to stuff the REC with people favorable to your mindset may be legal but I question the ethics and motivations. There is always a need for change and new ideas but most of the people who are in these positions have been actively supporting the party and their experience and expertise should not be dismissed.

I have been a member of the Pasco REC for at least 3 years -- our meetings are not perfect but the Chair and the executive do a good job at trying to follow the rules of procedure. There is often robust debate but we have a network of clubs that are constantly out there furthering the cause. They are the trooper who do it passionately and not to dominate the party platform.

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Is this Christian Zeigler?

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