I wrote a pamphlet to encourage people to join the REC last year and understand the importance of it, but with limited funds did not print that many -- maybe 50 and distributed it. I did, however, give a copy of the pamphlet to Sebastian Gorka when he was at the Freedom Forum in Sanford on a Saturday, since I quoted him in it from the last time I saw him. I was surprised when he read about 75% of the pamphlet on the following Monday to open his show. At the time I did not put my name on it but I did in the letter I gave him. I believe REC's need better literature to explain the process and what you are doing is helping. I'm setting up a SubStack now myself, but still find it better, for me, to be able to talk to local people face-to-face and hand them something. Here is a link to a dramatic reading of my pamphlet. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b4Vt-44FxOY&t=4s

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Another good way to reach potential members is to purchase your SuperVoter list from the SoE. It's usually only about 30% of the voters that list their email addresses, but that's a cheap way to reach them. I'm planning on setting up a monthly newsletter, to reach Republicans, just in my precinct, and give them a monthly update frm the REC. Most have never even heard of the REC. As I form back and forth relationships, I'll be able to identify potential fighters, and urge them to join the REC. I'm the only PC in my precinct, which calls for 7 men and 7 women. So, I have a lot of work to do.

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We had this problem in Seminole County but most of the America-first citizens were also members of Grassroots For America and they held educational classes on the Robert's Rules of Order, then someone hired the same certified parliamentarian to attend the meetings with us-- which the RPOF Constitution and/or by-laws required. We forced them to use those procedures. It stopped the bullying. Not sure if Lee County citizens were able to try that yet.

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Yeah, we're all Parliamentarians in our group, to varying degrees. It's not rocket science, but it does require a certain type of personality to study RRoO, and not scratch one's temple with a barrel. For most, it's like reading stereo instructions... long, long, long-winded stereo instructions.

You are on the right track with the Grassroots group, and the training.

Many of our REC members are on the board of the Lee County Republican Assembly, also. We are going to start having "How to be an REC PC", and "RRoO - 101", and "102" classes at LCRA.

The current problem at LCREC is that we quickly went from 120 to 300 members, and with so many new members, they are expecting a club, not a REC. They want feel-good moments, guest speakers, and awards ceremonies, not action, debate or deliberations.

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Wow! That was a huge increase in members. We went from about 100 to about 250 but it was over a year or so and most were Grassroots people so they had a good understanding of what was going on before they joined. It took hubby and I about 4 months (3 applications) to get in. We have some very active committees so we are fortunate, then other areas need a lot of help.

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It probably took us a year or so to accomplish our growth, as well. And, it was all the right types of people. We took over our board with the America-First slate. Then, they started acting like totalitarians, one by one. It's hard to explain, but for some of them, I call it the "Me-First" faction of the "America-First" movement. Power corrupts. And, since they ran on the right buzzwords, and they're subtle and slick, too many of the members just aren't able to see the real truth. It's worse than fighting RINOs, which is worse than fighting democrats. It's enough to destroy the resolve of weaker men. Luckily, I'm not one.

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I can personally attest to the lack of integrity of Michael Thompson. He has done more to hinder election integrity from the inside of the MAGA movement than most anyone. The machine fraud uncovered by Chris Quackenbush in Lee county started a massive uncovering of widespread fraud used to subvert our elections. BUT, Thompson was promised to be made RPOF EI Chair if he would shut down the efforts of Chris Quackenbush and Ted Reese. The BLANK BALLOTS uncovered in Lee lead us to all the other Florida counties, then to Maryland, Wisconsin, Georgia and Arizona. Thompson tried very hard to stop this effort in Florida. Then when we put heat on him he cries dying cancer victim. Thompson is 100% compromised and cannot be trusted. If he is REALLY sick, then he needs to step aside and let real patriots save America rather than try to hinder our efforts to secure our elections and save Florida from the rinos, communists and the deep state traitors.

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The immutable truth, right there.

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